Sunday, August 17, 2014

The End

Wow, guys, I kinda failed at that series thing.  Please, allow me to apologize with two "this one time's" for you, today, then I'll be done with the series.

This one time, I watched my dad flip his bike over a hole in a sandpit. It was hilarious.
This one time, I broke two hurdles in a one race. Talk about power.
Go back through this week's posts.  They're all true.  Now look at them, and tell me you can't laugh maniacally at at least one of them. 
I dare you to guess how they happened.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

This one time, I read four full-length novels in eight hours.  Sweet heavens, what a day.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I'm sorry if this one is bending the rules a little bit.  Brace yourself for part four.

This one time, I pooped 28 times in 4 days. You'd better believe they were full loads.

For more wonderful information on the sweet world of rumps, go to:

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

This one time, I consumed six Mcdoubles and a large-sized Coke in thirty minutes.  That's 2,180 calories, kids!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Hooray for part two!

This one time, I woke up on a professional-league baseball field.  My head was in a puddle of water about an inch deep.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

This Is a Series

Hello!  I've missed you all!
Okay, I have a mission for both of us today.  For you, it's that you have to read this post, and every other post on this site.  Show me some lovin', cuz we all know you want to.
My mission, on the other hand, is to start this wonderful series! 
"But don't series have multiple issues?" you may ask.  Well, duh, of course they do.  This is called "the first installment," and it would look pretty stupid if it didn't have an intro, right?  Right.
I've been going back and forth in my head about doing full posts this summer, and the resounding answer has been (as I'm sure you can tell) is, "Uh, heck no."  It's not even just because I'm lazy (I'm working up to sixty hours per week here, people), but mostly because I like running around outside like the little kid I am.  The compromise here is to do some week-long series, like this one.  (And I know it's a little late in the summer to start now, but I don't see any of you helping me out, so yeah.)
This first series is called "This One Time. . . " and I'm sure in about three seconds you'll figure out why.
This one time, I cried because my mom got a perm.